The memory section displays memory parameters such as the DRAM frequency rate, FSB:DRAM ratio, latency, cycle time, etc. Under mainboard, you can see the manufacturer of your motherboard, chipset (and revision) and brand. The most useful bits of data provided by CPU-Z can be found under the Mainboard and Memory tabs.
Namely CPU, Caches, Mainboard, Memory, SPD, Graphics, Bench and About the final tab just displaying information about the version of CPU-Z you're running. The application interface of CPU-Z is well-designed and displays the information in tabs. Displays vital system information and data for installed memory, CPU, mainboard, caches, graphics and benchmarks.ĬPU-Z is a free system and hardware diagnostics tool which provides a number of details about your current PC setup including processor (CPU), memory (RAM), motherboard chipset and your graphics adapter.