Related: Free Beach Scavenger Hunt Printables Name something people put on pizza. Name something you might see at the beach. ROUND #3 Name something people write with. EarthįAST MONEY ROUND Name something a kid might do right before going to bed. Name something an astronaut sees in space. LibraryįAST MONEY ROUND Name something cold. Related: Summer Bucket List Ideas For Kids Name a place where you have to be quiet. These kids family feud questions are clean and appropriate – but also hilarious! Kid coupons for a winner prize (optional).
This family feud game is pretty straightforward! Here’s what you’ll need to get the most out of it: If both contestants’ answers combine to get to 200 points, they are the ultimate champions! (If you do just one survey, adjust the total points needed to win 🙂 The host adds up this person’s total as well. If the second person guesses a duplicate, they must come up with a different answer.
The second player returns and answers the same questions in 60 seconds. The host adds up the total for the answers that were guessed correctly. (You could do one survey or use as many as you have time for). One player returns and answers the fast money survey questions in 60 seconds. How to Play Family Feud Fast Money QuestionsĪfter three normal rounds, the winning team chooses two players to leave the room.